Services > What is factoring?

What is factoring?

Factoring is a financing product that offers one or all of the guarantee, receivables management and collection, financing services by assigning the domestic and international deferred receivables of companies arising from the sales of goods or services to the factoring company.

What does factoring provide?

The advantages of factoring can be summarized as follows.

  • Güvenilir istihbarat bilgisi ile alıcılarınızın mali gücü ve krWith reliable intelligence information, you have information about the financial strength and credibility of your buyers.
  • You get the chance to enter new markets risk-free.
  • You organize your cash flow efficiently.
  • You have a liquid balance sheet structure.
  • You reduce the workload and cost arising from receivables and collections management.
  • You become stronger in sales to large and powerful buyers.
  • Your competitive power will increase in existing markets, and you will have the opportunity to make more sales.