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Factoring solutions offered by Bien Finans; We can analyze it under three headings: domestic, export and import.

Domestic Factoring

Factoring transactions in which the seller and the buyer are resident in the country. Domestic factoring transactions are divided into three as financing, guarantee and collection.

Export Factoring

It is the type of factoring transaction where the seller is located in the country and the buyer is located abroad. It is a factoring service that ensures that your receivables arising from your timely exports are transferred and collected in advance. In this process, it is possible to collect the sales only with invoice, customs declaration and loading document without waiting for maturity.

Import Factoring

These are the transactions where the buyer is located in the country and the seller is located abroad. It is the product in which the payments are made in advance to the seller on behalf of the importer companies that purchase goods/services from abroad, and the importer pays this amount to the factoring company by deferring this amount.